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Oh, but I could never do THAT.

I'm claustrophobic. I'm afraid of the dark. I hate silence. I can't be still. I'm scared of water. I'm too anxious. I'm too paranoid. My mind is too busy. I'm just too _________. The time has come to ask yourself - how does fear affect my life? Am I truly happy existing this way - bullied by my very own thoughts? None of the sentiments in the first line are problems unto themselves. Rather, each of those statements is a symptom of an underlying, much more significant issue. Do you believe it is healthy and normal to constantly crave and find comfort in external stimulation? To feel anxiety when surrounded by quiet calm? Is it in your best interest to fear being alone? To find discomfort in your own company? These addictive tendencies, these anxieties - they impact every aspect your life in ways you may never even realize. They work to convince you you're powerless to the extent that you actually believe you have no control over something as important, and as integral to your existence, as your very own thoughts. As a result, you relinquish control of your own destiny. You voluntarily become a victim of circumstance.

"Danger is real, but fear is a choice."

What might you be capable of if you were able to break these stifling spells? What could you accomplish if you were able to exert complete control over your very own mind?

Floating is not dangerous. It has been utilized for nearly 60 years. To date, no one has drowned, no one has suffocated, no one has gone mad from lack of stimulation, no one has been hurt or injured beyond getting a bit of saltwater in the eye.

Let's talk about cognitive dissonance for a minute. Cognitive dissonance is being too afraid to try a float tank - which has a long, undeniably safe and proven to be beneficial history - while simultaneously exhibiting zero hesitation when it comes to taking a prescription anxiety medication that actually lists DEATH as a possible side-effect.

Fear is your own creation. As its maker you also hold the power to destroy it. Most people take to floating easily. They have no problem relaxing and enjoying the experience from the start of their very first session. For a number of others however, floating the first time (or perhaps even the first several times) is not all that enjoyable. They find the very thought of the tank intimidating. They can't turn the light off or shut the door. They feel they might panic. They may not be able to complete an entire session. THESE THINGS HAPPEN - and you know what? That is OKAY.

But this doesn't necessarily means floating is not for them, in fact - it probably means just the opposite. Lets look at floating in a different light. How many TRULY life-changing, transformative practices come easy? NONE. Think about some of the best known methods of personal betterment: you change your diet, you start to exercise, you learn to meditate, you go to counseling, you pursue a dream, you further your education. This is a short list of activities known to facilitate permanent, profoundly positive growth and change within a person's life. NOT ONE of those things pays off instantly or easily. None of them offer profound, instant gratification. Improving your life takes focus, dedication, resolve and TIME. In fact, you will likely experience an awful lot of discomfort when you first start down one of those paths to transformation. For some people, floating is no different. You might not *like* it initially but that doesn't mean you won't *benefit* from it. Floating is not a novelty. It's not just a fancy, newfangled way to relax. It is a path to transformation - and it's not always easy. There is a learning curve and only those that take the chance, then stick it out, will ever touch on floating's true potential.

When you say to me "Well, I won't like it." My response is this: You may very well be right - but you need to really examine the source of your assumptions. You've created a problem out of what is actually one of floating's greatest known benefits. Floating is designed to take you out of your normal comfort zone. As such, it has the power to help you face and overcome your fears. It can give you the gift of introspection and clarity. It can grant you the power of mindfulness as well as better control of your own thoughts and emotions. It can help you attain profound, positive life transformations. If you have doubts - check out the research and then judge for yourself. Floating works. There is absolutely no question.

So ask yourself, how badly do you want change? How serious are you about improving your life? Floating can be described as an all-encompassing method of fostering life improvement. It is the perfect compliment to all the other paths to transformation. It provides balance in a world rife with overstimulation, it relieves pain, releases emotional baggage, improves health, enhances your resolve, creativity, mindfulness and meditative practices. Floating is a tool that can benefit SO many facets of your life.

All it takes is for you to give it a REAL effort, be realistic about what to expect and trust in your own abilities.


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